Narowol, (Punjab) PAKISTAN

Narowol, (Punjab) PAKISTAN

Farhan Kcdsintl is an Evangelist from Pakistan and is focused on the call of God in several different areas of Ministry. Farhan and I connected a couple of years ago on Facebook when he reached out to me for the very first time. We talked about Gods word as well as his ministry and all that he was doing for God's Kingdom here in the earth. A couple of things that Farhan has been doing involves children's ministry through sports, Sunday school kids clubs, youth bible study groups, Women bible study groups, and running a sports academy. All of these activities have been found to be successful and are continuing to grow over time. Here are some of those pictures...

I first started working with Farhan a couple of years ago. Farhan asked If i would be interested in speaking via facetime or zoom for their Resurrection Sunday service. We actually scheduled it for Thursday (April 1st, 2021), 3 days before Sunday (April 4th 2021). 
Sorry for the poor quality photo here. It's the best I could get at that time.
Here is the facetime chat that took place on Thursday. I was instructed by the Lord to preach on Romans 8. I was also instructed by the Lord to sow three hundred dollars to help provide meals for all those who came. His words to me,
"Brandon, will you feed my sheep?". 

A quick testimony in regards to the woman raising her left arm into the air in the back. After sharing on Romans 8, I prayed over the entire group that was there for the word. I didn't get any specific words of knowledge for anyone at that time. I just released a simple prayer, a blessing over everyone in the room and she began to lift her arm. I asked Farhan to ask the entire room if anyone experienced anything new after we prayed. It was during this moment Farhan had shared with me that the woman had a frozen elbow for majority of her life. It had released for the first time. She was now able to move it and she did it with such joy and excitement. The Lord touched her releasing her arm freeing her from the spirit of infirmity. We all shouted over the live feed giving God thanks for what He had just done. Everyone there was smiling and laughing and the kids were dancing. What a time in the Lord! I was so in awe of the Father and His faithfulness.

Next came the meal that was prepped by Farhan's wife and another lady who was volunteering. Pictures to follow.

 (Big bags of beans and rice.) 

(Cooked and ready to be served) 

(Picture below: Farhan's wife is dressed in blue. She helped translate for me as well as prepped the food for those who joined our time of fellowship and prayer.)

(Pictures Below: Any extra money they had left over from the food, they decided to bless those who volunteered that helped make the night possible for all those who joined in on the night, as well as those who were poor and lived in the near by area. These people were double blessed.) 

The night ended with a prayer as Farhan and his family completed the night blessing and sending off those who joined us. As powerful as this was, we all were humbled and in awe of God the Father and all that He had done through us as willing vessels. 

We continued to stay in touch and have been discussing about furthering the gospel in other ways in Pakistan. Unfortunately, its been a long waiting process for Farhan. He has been a real blessing as we both patiently wait for further instruction from the Lord as to where we go next with this. In the mean time, we continue to stay focused on the mission at hand.

Thank you for any future support to help further the gospel of Jesus Christ in Pakistan. 

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